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    Admitted Student VIP Visit

    Join us for a special visit here on the Hill!

    We invite our admitted students and those who've already committed to McDaniel for fall 2025 to visit campus this spring! Hosted Monday to Friday, you'll have the opportunity to hear from an admissions staff member, address your specific questions, tour campus, and more!

    And of course, we can't let you leave campus without a VIP keepsake of your time here on the Hill (but you'll have to join us on campus to find out what's waiting for you)!

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    “The four years I spent at McDaniel were nothing short of the most exciting years of my life thus far. Arriving on campus four years ago, I would have never known that I would be able to develop the relationships, with both my peers and mentors, that I was able to here on the Hill.” Hannah Ravenscroft ’20, Chemistry and Kinesiology major. 

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    McDaniel College Sign
    McDaniel College Sign
    McDaniel College Sign
    McDaniel College Sign
    McDaniel College Sign